Des aliments qui changent la vie

Chez omegoodness, nous vendons des produits sains du commerce équitable afin que vous puissiez vous sentir bien et avoir un impact positif dans les communautés agricoles rurales, souvent pauvres, du Laos.

Give your body
what it needs.

At omegoodness we prioritize eating real, whole, nutrient-dense foods. We use naturally occurring ingredients that are healthful.

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Pure Sacha Inchi Protein

Complete vegan protein.

Contains all 9 essential amino acids.

High digestibility rating 60% protein by weight.

Boost now your vital energy with T60.

Use in smoothies, baked goods, cereal, salads, or as meat replacements.

See recipes >>.


Because we put people first,
we follow the rules of organic farming
and all our products are Fair Trade certified.


Pure Sacha Inchi Omega-3 Oil

High in omega-3 (45%).

Excellent omega-3-6-9 ratio.
92% of unsaturated fatty acids.

High tocopherol content (Vitamin E)

Give your body a healthy impact.

Use as a cooking oil, for a salad dressing, or as an additive for an omega-3 boost in a variety of tasty dishes.

See recipes >>.


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Live with no regrets.

Transform your life and the lives of those who grow your food.

omegoodness is the trademark of Mai Savanh Lao Fair Trade products distributed in the United States
LTC Natural Products LLC.

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