Our promise: The best possible source of Omega 3

Sacha Inchi is a very promising plant. Its seeds have a very high nutritional quality due to their exceptionally high content of oil (35 to 45%), proteins (25%), and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

Sources of Omega 3

The Sacha Inchi seeds contains 92% unsaturated fats and is currently the best available source of essential fatty acids. Fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through nutrition. The contents of Omega 3 and 6 in our oil are respectively 45% and 38%, and it also contains 9% of Omega 9. This composition offers an optimum balance of Omegas.

Usual sources of Omegas 3 are fish oil, some plants (flax), or seeds oil (Sacha Inchi). Fish oil may be rich in Omega 3 however it may be contaminated by heavy metals; while a simple cold pressing of Sacha Inchi seeds yields an oil of the highest quality.

Omega 3 and health

The ratio of 14/1 between unsaturated and saturated fats in Sacha Inchi oil is an indicator of its  great benefits for health. It contains no cholesterol or trans fats, its digestibility is excellent, and it does not irritate the intestines. No serious allergies have been detected yet.

The Omega 3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on vitality and on the functionning of the eyes and brain. Omega 3’s and 6’s are important in preventing coronary diseases and arterial hypertension. They have a powerful anti-cholesterol effect, and their anti-inflammatory properties make them recommendable for skin and join problems. A deficit in Omega 3 can lead to fatigue, memory loss or depression, heart and circulatory problems, as well as dry skin.


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