Nutritional values of Sacha Inchi compared to other nuts, seeds, and oils

Dried Sacha Inchi nut

Sacha Inchi seeds is an interesting product for its nutritional values and its high content of omega 3 and other essential fatty acids. The tables below will show you the main characteristics of the Sacha Inchi seeds or oil compared to other nuts, seeds or oils more known to the general public.


Nutritional values of Sacha Inchi compared to other nuts, seeds, and oils


Bottle of oil
Omega 3 Omega 6 Total
poly unsaturated
fatty acids
Sacha Inchi 44.9 37.9 82.8
Flax 56.8 16.1 72.9
Soy  8.0 55.0 63.0
Corn 1.7 60.8 62.5
Sunflower 0.3 62.0 62.3
Olive 0.8 8.3 9.1

Percent of poly unsaturated fatty acid content


Different nuts
Nuts & Seeds for snacks
Omega 3 Omega 6 Total
poly unsaturated
fatty acids
Sacha Inchi 40.6 43.6 84.5
Sunflower 0.1 68.9 69.0
Peanuts 0.0 33.2 33.2
Pistachios 0.6 31.0 31.6
Cashew 0.4 17.3 17.7
Macadamia 0.0 1.8 1.8

Percent of poly unsaturated fatty acid content


Oil and nuts
Nuts, grains, and oils
% Proteins
Peanuts 25.8
Sacha Inchi seeds 24.7
Sunflower seeds 20.8
Flax seeds 18.3
Sesame seeds 17.3
Olive oil 0.0

Percent of Proteins content

Gourmet products of sacha inchi


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